Very good condition
Made in Japan
Just serviced and fully restored by Jim Harvath!
Full working condition!
EQ’s on all channels with parametric, shelf, and roll-offs
Direct outs on all channels
Inserts on all channels
Tape direct outs
2 aux sends and 2 aux returns
1 7/8 and 3 3/4 tape speeds with pitch control knob
Direct drive
Solo bus
4 total headphone outs with selectable source and volume control
Multiple sub buss outputs
Remote jack for punch footswitch
Mic and line inputs on all channels with tape inputs
Overload lights on all channels
Meters selectable for tape or sub metering
Solo bus meter
Dolby B and C Noise Reduction
Phantom power
Regarded as one of the best 4-tracks ever made, and I agree!
Sounds fantastic!
Includes original foam hard case
Free shipping!