Good condition. An extremely capable console with lots of routing options, great EQ, great preamps, several busses, talkback, 2 headphone outputs. Also has RCA direct outs on all channels, full meter bridge, 8 aux returns (wow), really useful send and program mix outs, oscillator, control room outputs, 2 track return. HPF and group outs, mic, like, and tape inputs. Has input gain as well as a separate trim knobs for line and mic inputs. Solo bus as well. Additionally has phase and phantom power on all channels! Switchable EQ.
This particular console has some cosmetic damage and imperfections but is mechanically sound. There a few missing screws along the meter bridge - best efforts will be made to replace before buyer handoff. Console is currently missing proper RCA cabling for full meter bridge operation, but proper cabling will be sold along with the console for no additional charge. There are also 5 total fader caps missing, and two channel faders are bent but fully operational.
Ground transportation available to several locations. Please use the chat feature or email to get a quote for delivery.